Arnold Missouri Speeding and Traffic Tickets
So let’s start with the basics: That speeding ticket you received in Arnold MO is something that should be handled with care. Because if you treat the ticket like a meaningless scrap of paper, it will literally come back to bite you (in ways you probably have not even thought possible).
When our Arnold Missouri speeding ticket attorneys tell this information to people, their reaction is usually laughter. How could a measly little traffic ticket cause any significant harm? Why not just pay the fine, and be done with it?
Here’s why: If you did nothing more than pay the fine listed on the back of your Arnold Missouri traffic ticket, you won’t have to go to court, which in turn means you won’t have to worry about a warrant. But the decision to pay that fine will also come with a number of consequences.
The first thing to point out is that paying that fine signals to the court that you are pleading guilty to the charge. Why is this a big deal? Because a guilty plea will allow the state of Missouri to assess ‘points’ to your permanent driving record.
If you’re unfamiliar with how the Points System works in Missouri, let’s take a minute to briefly explain. The existence of points on your record indicates one thing, and one thing only. That you are a bad driver, and that you are therefore more likely to end up in a traffic accident.
Or at least that is the justification your car insurance company will give you when they jack up your monthly rates through the roof. Even one or two points on your record will lead directly to a significant bump above your current rates (by as much as 35%). This increase will continue for the next thirty-six months (the equivalent of three (3) years).
Most people would prefer to avoid this kind of outcome. But the vast majority of people still end up deciding to pay the fine listed on their ticket (even after it has been described in great detail the assured negativity they will soon face by making such a decision). Why would a person still pay the fine (instead of hiring an Arnold speeding ticket lawyer from The People’s Counsel to fix it)?
To answer this question, it would make sense to first tell you about what our team can do for you. The legal team at The People’s Counsel has successfully resolved and/or fixed hundreds of Missouri traffic tickets over the last ten (10) years. We do this by employing a very successful method.
First, we will retrieve from you all the pertinent information we need (such as the ticket number, type of charge, court date and time, your date of birth, etc.). Next, we will make the Arnold Municipal Court aware of the fact that we represent you on the ticket. Once this set of circumstances is established, our team will work closely with the prosecutor to get that ticket reduced from a moving violation (which is exactly how the state describes your speeding ticket) down to a non-moving violation (such as Illegal Parking).
At this point, many of our clients will say, “But I wasn’t parking illegally. I was speeding.” It’s true, the system we have in Missouri is not perfect. But when you plead guilty to a non-moving violation, you won’t have to worry about any points going onto your permanent driving record (because non-moving violations do not carry any points). If the state of Missouri has no ability to put points on your record, the auto insurance you currently enjoy will stay the same (and not go up). If there are no points to worry about, then you will get to keep your driving privileges intact. And if our firm fixes your ticket, you won’t have to deal with a warrant being issued for your arrest.
And this is the type of positive outcome you want to experience! All you have to do is give us a call, and we can get the process started. For most garden-variety traffic matters (like speeding 10-15 over, or running a stop sign, or improper lane change), we charge a flat fee. If your traffic ticket is a bit more involved (like Careless/Imprudent Driving, or speeding more than 25 miles over the limit), we will likely have to charge more, but only because it will require a great deal of work on our end to get the matter resolved.
But please don’t wait too long to reach out. The longer you wait, the more problems that can potentially arise. We look forward to hearing from you soon!